The latest scientific studies selected in the theme of nutrition are presented below:

1) Guillermo et al. (2023). Nutrition, Training, Supplementation, and Performance-Enhancing Drug Practices of Male and Female Physique Athletes Peaking for Competition. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, E-First.

This survey assesses performance-enhancing nutrition, training, supplementation, and medication practices in male and female athletes 30 days before competition. It also assesses the specific manipulation of hydration and macronutrients performed during the 3 days preceding the competition and physiological responses such as body composition, body fluids, resting heart rate and blood pressure. The authors conclude that competitors incorporate fasted cardio to enhance fat loss. They limit calorie intake but consume protein at doses above research-based recommendations (>3g/kg/d). Water consumption is reduced during the last 3 days before the competition. Finally, it is noted that both male and female competitors use dietary supplements many of which are not supported by research and also performance enhancing drugs such as testosterone derivatives, selective androgen receptor modulators and growth hormone.

2) Cheng Choo et al. (2023). Effect of ice slurry ingestion on thermoregulatory responses during fixed-intensity cycling in humid and dry heat. European Journal of Applied Physiology, E-First.

This study examines the thermoregulatory response and ergogenic effects of crushed ice (ICE) ingestion in hot environments with high and low relative humidity (RH). She concludes that ingesting crushed ice tended to improve performance in wet heat more than in dry heat.

3) Aird et al. (2023). Fasted Sprint Interval Training Results in Some Beneficial Skeletal Muscle Metabolic, but Similar Metabolomic and Performance Adaptations Compared With Carbohydrate-Fed Training in Recreationally Active Male. European Journal of Applied Physiology, E-First.

This study compares the effectiveness of sprint interval training (4-6 × Wingate sprints of 30 s interspersed with 4 minutes of rest) under two conditions: fasting and with a high carbohydrate diet. It shows that training-induced increases in anaerobic and aerobic power were not influenced by nutrition.

4) Choi et al. (2023). Association between coffee consumption and high C-reactive protein levels in Korean adults. British Journal of Nutrition, E-First.

This study examines the association between coffee consumption and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, using data from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey, 2016-2018, of 9337 adults aged 19 to 64 years old. The results of this study indicate that moderate black coffee consumption of 2-3 cups/day is inversely associated with elevated CRP levels in adults.

5) Tani et al. (2023). Habitual fish consumption and healthy lifestyle behaviours may be associated with higher total serum bilirubin level and anti-inflammatory activity: a cross-sectional study. British Journal of Nutrition, E-First.

Cette étude explore les relations entre la consommation de poisson et la bilirubine sérique totale (TSB) qui est censée avoir des effets anti-inflammatoire, limitant ainsi le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires athéroscléreuses (ASCVD). Les auteurs trouvent qu’une consommation plus élevée de poisson et des comportements de mode de vie plus sains liés aux habitudes de consommation de poisson peuvent être associés à des concentrations plus élevées de TSB et à une activité anti-inflammatoire, entraînant une atténuation du risque d'ASCVD.

6) Durkalec-Michalski et al. (2023). Does sodium bicarbonate based extra-cellular buffering support reduce high intensity exercise-induced fatigue and enhance short-term recovery assessed by selected blood biochemical indices? Biology of Sport, E-First.

This study analyzes the effects of sodium bicarbonate supplementation on fatigue induced by high-intensity exercise and the short-term recovery of blood biochemical indices. Sodium bicarbonate supplementation compared to placebo did not significantly affect markers of fatigue and recovery.

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