1.    Introduction

In the course of its business, FELIS TEAM SAS collects and processes personal data relating to contacts, prospects, customers, service providers and partners.

The main purpose of this document is to bring together, in a concise, transparent, comprehensible and easily accessible format, information concerning the data processing carried out to enable you to understand the conditions under which your data is processed.


2.    Fair and transparent collection of your data

2.1 In the interests of fairness and transparency, FELIS TEAM SAS takes care to inform the aforementioned data subjects of each processing operation it carries out by means of information notices.

2.2 This data is collected fairly. No data is collected without the knowledge of the individuals concerned.

3.    Legitimate and proportionate use of your data

3.1 When FELIS TEAM SAS processes data, it does so for specific purposes: each data processing operation pursues a legitimate, specific and explicit purpose.

3.2 FELIS TEAM SAS undertakes to collect and use only data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

3.3 FELIS TEAM SAS shall ensure that data is kept up to date and shall implement procedures to enable inaccurate data to be deleted or rectified.

4.    The personal data we process

4.1 As part of the personal data processing operations described below, FELIS TEAM SAS collects and processes the following categories of data:

- Data identifying the persons concerned, such as your title, surname and first name, e-mail address, telephone number and postal address;

- Data relating to the professional situation of the person concerned, such as their profession or professional contact details;

- Economic and financial data;

- Recording of videoconferences and webinars organised by FELIS TEAM SAS (video, content, message, dashboard and reports)

- Connection data and log;

- Contents of exchanges with FELIS TEAM SAS.

5.1 The processing carried out by FELIS TEAM SAS has the following purposes and legal bases: 



Managing production and monitoring customer files

Necessary for the performance of a contract or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of customers

Management of training courses

Necessary for the performance of a contract or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of customers

Billing management

Necessary for the performance of a contract or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of customers

Managing service providers and partners

Necessary for the performance of a contract or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of customers

Company bookkeeping

Meet the company's legal and regulatory obligations

Managing prospects and contacts

Legitimate interest

Managing the organisation of and invitations to company events

Legitimate interest

External communications management

Legitimate interest

Management and organisation of webinars and videoconferences as part of the management of a customer file and preparation of a report

Recording customer webinars and videoconferences

erformance of a contract or performance of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of customers.

Consent of participants for registration

Management, organisation and monitoring of webinars and videoconferences (events, conferences and other types of events)

Recording webinars and videoconferences (events, conferences and other types of intervention)

For the organisation and running of events subject to prior registration: performance of a contract or performance of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of individuals.

For the conservation, publication, dissemination and archiving of the company's productions: legitimate interest of the company in conserving, exploiting, disseminating and archiving its knowledge marketing productions.


6.    Recipients of your data

6.1 The following are the recipients of your data, each insofar as they are concerned:

 authorised members of the company;

 any authorised third party intervening for the needs of the missions entrusted to the company;

 the competent authorities or courts.

 for videoconferences and webinars: The persons accessing and viewing the webinars and videoconferences and the service provider supplying the solution used;

 for videoconferences and webinars with customers as part of customer file management: authorised participants and members of the company and the service provider supplying the solution used;

 the company's service providers.

6.2 We ensure that only authorised persons have access to this data. FELIS TEAM SAS applies a strict authorisation policy which ensures that the data it processes is only transmitted to persons authorised to access it.


7.    Transfers of your data

7.1 FELIS TEAM SAS may transfer personal data outside the European Union as part of the IT tools it uses for its activities.

7.2 Such transfers may only be carried out after FELIS TEAM SAS has taken measures to ensure their security, for example by ensuring that the standard clauses defined by the European Commission to govern data flows have been concluded.

7.3 As part of its development as an e-business and in order to increase the availability of its members, FELIS TEAM SAS has chosen to use Google, Microsoft, Apple, pCloud, kDrive and OVH solutions, in particular for its messaging, videoconferencing, diary, websites, hosting and data storage.

7.4 In this context, data from these applications is hosted in France, Ireland, European Union Member States, Switzerland and the United States.

7.5 The authorised recipients will be notified of the following categories of data: data relating to identification, data relating to professional life, economic and financial data, connection data, contact details which may be processed as part of the use of the services provided by these service providers.

7.6 This data is transferred to the authorised departments of the entities of these service providers mainly for the purposes of outsourcing, maintenance, assistance, administration, hosting and to respond to requests from the authorities legally entitled to know about it.

7.7 A cross-border data flow agreement based on the European Commission's standard contractual clauses has been signed with these service providers in order to provide a framework for the transfer of data and to ensure a sufficient level of protection with regard to the requirements of French regulations.

7.8 Furthermore, as part of the development of its dual company policy, FELIS TEAM SAS uses Microsoft Teams to organise its webinars and videoconferences. In this context, personal data on the organisers and participants, as well as on the events, are communicated to Microsoft in the United States and in any other country outside the European Union which does not offer equivalent protection. If you do not wish your data to be transferred to Microsoft, you are advised not to register for or participate in our videoconferences and webinars.

7.9 The purpose of this communication of data is the provision of the service as well as maintenance, assistance and support, administration and hosting. A cross-border data flow agreement based on the European Commission's standard contractual clauses has been concluded with Microsoft, in order to provide a framework for the transfer of data and to ensure a sufficient level of protection with regard to the requirements of French regulations.

8.    The periods for which we keep your data

8.1 FELIS TEAM SAS shall ensure that data is only kept in a form that allows identification of the persons concerned for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

8.2 The retention periods we apply to your personal data are proportionate to the purposes for which they were collected.

8.3 More specifically, we organise our data retention policy as follows:


Data and purposes

Shelf life

Contacts and prospects management

4 years from last contact

Billing and accounting

10 years

Customer management

5 years from the end of the service entrusted to the company. Data may be kept for longer than 5 years in special cases, such as when it is impossible to send the original to the customer or when it is necessary to keep documents in support of an ethical complaint.

Partner management

5 years from the end of the contractual relationship

Management of service providers

5 years from the end of the contractual relationship

Videoconferencing and webinars

Recording of customer videoconferences and webinars: Duration required to validate the report and retention of the report for the duration of the management of the client file until its closure, increased by the applicable limitation periods.

Information on contacts (guests and participants): duration of presence in the firm's prospect client contact database (prospects 3 years from the last incoming contact, clients: 5 years from the end of the mandate entrusted to the firm)

Activity reports on webinars and videoconferences: time taken to process results


9.    Security of personal data

9.1 FELIS TEAM SAS attaches particular importance to the security of personal data.

9.2 It has implemented technical and organisational measures appropriate to the degree of sensitivity of the personal data, with a view to ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the data and protecting it against any malicious intrusion, loss, alteration or disclosure to unauthorised third parties.

9.3 Nevertheless, the security and confidentiality of personal data depend on the good practices of each individual, and the person concerned is therefore invited to remain vigilant on this issue.


10.      Sub-contracting

10.1 When FELIS TEAM SAS has recourse to a service provider, it will only communicate personal data to the latter after having obtained a commitment and guarantees on its ability to meet these security and confidentiality requirements.

10.2 In compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations, we enter into contracts with our subcontractors that precisely define the terms and conditions under which they process personal data, in accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data. 

11.      Cookies

Cookies are subject to a cookies policy.


12.      Your rights

FELIS TEAM SAS is particularly concerned about respecting the rights granted to you in connection with the data processing it implements, in order to guarantee fair and transparent processing, taking into account the specific circumstances and context in which your personal data is processed.


Your right of access

12.1 As such, you have confirmation that your personal data is or is not being processed and where it is, you have the right to request a copy of your data and information about:

 the purposes of the processing;

 the categories of personal data concerned;

 the recipients or categories of recipients and, where applicable if such communications are to be made, the international organisations to which the personal data has been or will be communicated, in particular recipients established in third countries;

 where possible, the period for which the personal data is to be kept or, where this is not possible, the criteria used to determine this period;

 the existence of the right to ask the controller to rectify or erase your personal data, the right to request a restriction on the processing of your personal data, the right to object to such processing;

 the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;

 information about the source of the data when it is not collected directly from the data subjects;

 the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, and in the latter case, useful information concerning the underlying logic, as well as the importance and the expected consequences of this processing for the data subjects.


12.2 Your right to rectify your data

You may ask us to rectify or complete your personal data if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous or out of date.


12.3 Your right to erase your data

12.3.1 You may ask us to delete your personal data in the cases provided for by legislation and regulations.

12.3.2 Your attention is drawn to the fact that the right to erasure of data is not a general right and can only be exercised if one of the grounds provided for in the applicable regulations is present.


12.4 Your right to limit data processing

You may request that the processing of your personal data be restricted in the cases provided for by legislation and regulations.

12.5 Your right to object to data processing

12.5.1 You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data for which the legal basis is the legitimate interest pursued by the data controller (see article above on the legal basis for processing).

12.5.2 If you exercise such a right to object, we will ensure that we no longer process your personal data in connection with the processing concerned unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for continuing such processing. These grounds must outweigh your interests and your rights and freedoms, or the processing must be justified for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.


12.6 Your right to data portability


12.6.1 You have the right to the portability of your personal data. Please note that this is not a general right. In fact, not all data from all processing operations is portable and this right only concerns automated processing, to the exclusion of manual or paper processing.

12.6.2 This right is limited to processing for which the legal basis is your consent or the performance of pre-contractual measures or a contract.

12.6.3 This right does not include derived or inferred data, which are personal data created by FELIS TEAM SAS.



12.7 Your right to withdraw your consent

Where the processing of data by us is based on your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. We will then cease to process your personal data, without the previous operations for which you had given your consent being called into question.


12.8 Your right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Cnil (3 place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris) on French territory, without prejudice to any other administrative or legal remedy.


12.9 Your right to define post-mortem directives

You have the possibility of defining specific instructions relating to the conservation, deletion and communication of your personal data after your death in accordance with the procedures set out below. These specific directives will only concern the processing carried out by us and will be limited to this area.

You may also, when this person has been designated by the Executive, define general directives for the same purposes.


12.10 How to exercise your rights

All the rights listed above may be exercised at the following e-mail address contact@felisperformance.com or by post to the following address, FELIS TEAM SAS - 254 rue Lecourbe - 75015 Paris, providing proof of your identity by any means.


13. Changes to this document

We invite you to consult this policy regularly on our website. It may be updated from time to time.