1. Foreword

1.1 We wish to provide you with clear and transparent information on the use of cookies when you visit our site. This policy on the use of cookies is coordinated with our general policy on the protection of personal data.


2. Preamble

2.1 To enable you to benefit from the services offered by our site, such as consulting it or optimising its use, our site uses cookies.

2.2 Cookies are stored during your visit to the site in accordance with the choices you have made or may make at any time in accordance with this policy.

2.3 This policy is formulated in application of the following regulations:

- article 82 of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, as amended;

- the RGPD (2016/679) of 27 April 2016 and in particular Article 7 relating to the procedures for obtaining consent;

- the CNIL guidelines of 17 September 2020;

- the CNIL recommendations of 17 September 2020.


3. Definition

3.1 When you visit our site, information relating to the browsing of your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) on our site may be recorded in text files called "cookies", which are installed on your browser. Cookies are used to recognise your browser for the duration of the cookie's validity. A cookie is a file that can be read or written to. On telephony equipment, these tracers are equipment identifiers and advertising identifiers.

3.2 There are different types of cookies, for example

- technical cookies, which are essential for the website to function properly;

- functional cookies enabling you, for example, to manage the language or duration of your consent.

3.3 You are informed that, during your visits to our site, cookies may be installed on your terminal by FELIS TEAM SAS and by third parties.


4. Aims

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 They are determined according to the nature of the cookies.

4.1.2 The cookies used by our site, which are not subject to your consent, are essential for the proper operation of the site. These are technical cookies used to :

- manage the display of the information banner indicating that technical cookies have been placed;

- test whether cookies have been activated in the browser.


4.2 Technical cookies

These cookies, which are not subject to prior consent, concern the following functions:

- managing the display of the information banner;

- recording the opening of the cookies policy;

- records when the banner is not displayed;

- test to check that cookies have been activated in the browser.


5. Cookies used by our site

5.1 Our technical cookies

Our cookies are detailed in the table below:





12 months

CookieYes sets this cookie to remember users' consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site. It does not collect or store any personal information about the site visitors.


12 months

Stripe sets this cookie to process payments.


12 months

Stripe sets this cookie to process payments.



5.2 Our analytics cookies





12 months

Ghost-history place ce témoin pour analyser les pages consultées


12 months

Plausible utilise ce témoin pour analyser les pages consultées (lieu, durée) sur le site.



5.3. The buttons on social networks such as Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram appearing on our website do not generate any cookies on their part, as they are simply a link that refers the Internet user to these networks when the user clicks on these buttons.


6.1 On your first visit to our site, you will be offered the opportunity to accept or refuse the use of cookies subject to consent.


6.2 If you do not wish this cookie to be installed or read on your terminal equipment, a refusal cookie will be placed on your terminal equipment so that FELIS TEAM SAS can record the information that you have objected to the use of cookies.

6.3 Similarly, when you accept the use of this cookie, a consent cookie is installed on your terminal equipment.

6.3 Taking into account your refusal to install a cookie is based on the deposit of a cookie. Consequently, if you deactivate all cookies on your terminal or if you change terminal, we will no longer know that you have chosen this option.

6.4 You may, free of charge and at any time, manage your preferences by clicking on "Manage cookies" at the bottom of each page of the site.

6.5 Furthermore, if your terminal is used by several people and when the same terminal has several browsers, we cannot be certain that the service intended for your terminal equipment corresponds to your own use of this terminal equipment and not to that of another user of this terminal equipment.

6.6 You are free to choose and are responsible for sharing with others the use of your Terminal Equipment and for configuring your browser settings with regard to cookies and other tracers.


7. Managing cookies

You have several options for deleting and managing cookies.

7.1 Cookie management module

7.1.1 This module allows you to choose whether or not to accept the deposit of cookies on our site subject to consent.

7.1.2 At any time, by clicking on the [Revisit Consent Button] button, you can access the module and modify your preferences.


7.2 Browser software settings

7.2.1 You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your terminal or rejected, either systematically or depending on the sender.

7.2.2 You can also regularly delete cookies from your terminal via your browser.

7.2.3 However, do not forget to set the parameters of all the browsers on your different terminals.

7.2.4 To manage cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in your browser's help menu, which will tell you how to modify your choices regarding cookies. By way of example:

- for Internet Explorer™: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies ;

- for Safari™: https://support.apple.com/fr-fr/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac ;

- for Chrome™: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr&hlrm=en ;

- for Firefox™: https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/protection-renforcee-contre-pistage-firefox-ordinateur?redirectlocale=fr&redirectslug=Activer+and+d%C3%A9disable+the+cookies ;

- for Opera™: https://help.opera.com/en/latest/web-preferences/#cookies.


7.2.5 However, we draw your attention to the fact that by setting your browser to refuse cookies, certain features, pages and areas of our site, which require the use of cookies, will not be accessible, for which we cannot be held responsible.

7.2.6 To find out more about how to configure your browser software, please consult the website of the Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser


8. Entry into force

This policy comes into force on the date it is put online. The same applies to amendments.